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Strategy & Objectives

Every project we develop has an impact on our planet

We are committed to aligning our environmental, social, and governance actions with advanced European frameworks such as the European taxonomy and CSRD. We also aim to obtain the highest levels of certification and have set our own ESG objectives, accompanied by concrete measures. Additionally, we adhere to our own codes of conduct and governance charters, and ESRS as reporting model.

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ESG - Strategy & Commitments - header - Meadow ESG - Strategy & Commitments - header - Meadow

The ESG Challenges for Responsible Real Estate

Our ESG strategy aims to drive positive change, built on clear and quantifiable practices, indicators, and objectives.

We have carried out single and double materiality assessments, evaluating both the most important ESG Impacts, Risks and Opportunities for our business and its impact on these ESG issues. This enables us to make more informed decisions and respond effectively to stakeholder expectations.

GHG emissions


Decarbonisation is our top priority. We are actively reducing operational and intrinsic greenhouse gas emissions across our business (scope 1 and 2) and at all stages of our projects (scope 3), from inception to completion. By adopting sustainable practices in design, construction, procurement and maintenance, we are committed to having a lasting impact.



Climate adaptation


We aim to improve the ability of our projects to adapt and respond to extreme weather events such as flooding, rising temperatures and sea levels, forest fires and so on. By anticipating future climate risks during site selection, design and development, we ensure the resilience and sustainability of our projects. A thorough assessment of physical climate risks and the implementation of adaptation measures can have a significant impact on the longevity and value of our buildings.



Energy consumtion


Our objective is to equip all our projects with the most advanced renewable energy techniques, avoiding the use of fossil fuels and keeping energy efficiency as our top priority. Among these techniques, solar panels, solar heating systems and geothermal energy offer sustainable and innovative solutions. The use of intelligent management systems and energy-efficient solutions such as insulation, intelligent lighting and advanced HVAC systems further improve energy efficiency.



Air and soil pollution


The importance of minimizing the negative impact on air and soil during construction, as well as selecting environmentally-friendly materials for end users, is an essential and fundamental ambition. By prioritizing eco-friendly practices and naturally adhering to regulations, we ensure a healthier environment and strive to avoid any possible environmental contamination.



Water management


The integration of water recycling and reuse systems in buildings provides an essential solution for preserving long-term water resources and mitigating water stress. We are committed to implementing these innovative practices to contribute to sustainable water management and offer attractive solutions to our clients.



Land use change


We are aware that land artificialization can harm biodiversity and ecosystems, which is why renovation is a priority when selecting our projects. Right from the design stage, we place great importance on green spaces through a nature-based approach that mitigates ecosystem disruption, ensures compliance and improves environmental sustainability.



Biodiversity and Ecosystem restoration


Urban densification is a reality, and we recognize Nature's contribution to physical and mental well-being. Within our projects, guided by expert ecologists, we prioritize biodiversity, maximizing green spaces and implementing tailored solutions to protect wildlife and natural habitats.



Raw materials, waste management and recycling


We believe that effective resource management can significantly reduce our carbon footprint, both in terms of embedded carbon and overall environmental impact. We advocate reuse, recycling and the use of geo and bio-based materials, while looking for solutions that produce less carbon.



Sustainable design


Project design offers us unique opportunities to innovate and respond creatively to ESG challenges. We believe it is essential to incorporate features such as reversibility, adaptability, flexibility and bioclimatic design into our buildings, highlighting our technical skills and creativity. As well as benefiting the environment, these aspects also increase the long-term value of projects, while reflecting our commitment to innovation and sustainability.


Employee Well-being and Satisfaction


Our employees are the catalysts of our productivity and success! We offer them training, transparent communication, flexibility, growth opportunities, sport and team-building activities to boost morale, motivation and loyalty, while improving well-being and job satisfaction.



Commitments to local communities


We prioritise direct and regular communication with local residents to ensure that we fully understand their concerns. Through our projects, we aim to have a positive impact on society by encouraging consultation and responsible engagement.





We aim to provide soft mobility infrastructure, including accessible locations, cycle racks, and EV charging, bringing lasting benefits to users and the community, thereby enhancing accessibility and mitigating carbon emissions.



Occupant comfort and health


Our people-centred approach puts occupant comfort first. By addressing issues of health, well-being and productivity, we create social value and a positive impact on people's lives. 

Throughout the design and execution phases, well-being plays a key role in our projects, in order to improve occupant satisfaction and nurture long-term relationships with our customers.



Employee diversity, equality and inclusion


Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) are the pillars of a sustainable and successful business. A diverse workforce, made up of people from different genders, social and cultural backgrounds, inspires creativity and innovation in our projects and the way we work. Prioritising equality, diversity and inclusion unleashes the full potential of our team, making a positive impact and finding innovative solutions.



Sustainable suppliers and contractors


Choosing partners and monitoring their practices are essential for sustainable projects. Their professionalism, expertise, and ethical conduct are vital for risk management and project integrity.



Transparency and reporting


We believe that open, honest and transparent relationships with our stakeholders are essential to the success of a project. This is why we are committed to providing clear and accurate financial and non-financial documentation.



Business ethics


By adhering to high ethical standards, encompassing anti-corruption efforts, environmental compliance, respect for workers and the community, intellectual property protection, and cybersecurity, we strengthen the trust and reputation that market stakeholders have in our company. Upholding these values is central to our commitment to transparency and integrity.





To strengthen business resilience, it is vital to proactively protect both employee and company data, ensuring robust cyber security practices and comprehensive business continuity plans.



Certifications and accreditations


Our commitment to adopting environmental and social certifications such as BREEAM, WELL, SmartScore and Energy Certificate, while aiming for high rating levels, pushes us to go further in our ESG issues. It's also an opportunity to ensure that the whole industry is speaking the same language, reinforcing transparency in communicating the impact of our projects.


Minimizing ecological footprint and promoting energy transition: our commitment to a sustainable future


We have set robust and achievable environmental goals to shape our projects into sustainable and vibrant living spaces: healthy, comfortable, secure, and green. These goals are aligned with the EU Taxonomy, ensuring our commitment to environmental standards and regulations.

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We are committed to

  1. Contributing to climate change mitigation by reducing our Carbon footprint (Scope 1,2,3)
  2. Adapting our projects to climate change 
  3. Contributing to the sustainable use and protection of water
  4. Contributing to a circular economy and promoting decarbonized solutions
  5. Contributing to a pollution prevention and control
  6. Contributing to the protection and restoration of biodiversity
  7. Using certification systems to deliver the most sustainable assets
  8. Creating innovative and sustainable design
  9. Reducing the environmental impact of our team


All our projects

  • Aim to be fossil free and using renewable energy technologies
  • Received a Physical Risks Assessment and Climate Change Resilience Measures are incorporated
  • Received a water cycle analysis from construction to building use
  • Maximise the use and re-use of geo and bio-based materials
  • Adopted measures to improve quality of air, noise, and light and decrease dust and pollutant emissions during construction works
  • Reintegrate the living into the city and renaturalize the built environment
  • Our offices are at least BREEAM Excellent and SmartScore Gold certified.
  • Our residential projects have an A ECP level.
  • Embrace sustainable design, which reduces the environmental impact from inception to completion


Our Team efforts

  • Achieve carbon neutrality (scope 1 & 2) by 2030
  • Use 100% electric vehicles by 2030

Creating social value: our commitment to occupants and the community


We select KPIs and initiatives to improve the wellbeing and prosperity of individuals and communities. We design spaces and services that encourage interaction, community cohesion and economic development, thereby contributing to overall wellbeing.

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Our Commitments

  1. Focusing on the wellbeing and comfort of occupants
  2. Engaging with communities and stakeholders to positively impact the neighbourhood
  3. Measuring the social and economic value of our development projects
  4. Promoting proximity and soft mobility
  5. Focusing on employee satisfaction, health and security


Being a top employer

  • Annually evaluate employee satisfaction and achieve 80% satisfaction starting from 2025
  • Participating annually in the social activities of BESIX FOUNDATION


Delivering social value through our projects

  • Our projects are systematically WELL Gold certified (minimum) from 2026 onwards
  • A community consultation process is systematically conducted to adapt our projects to the neighbourhood's needs
  • Our mixed-use projects are subject to a social and economic impact analysis
  • Our projects promote soft mobility with the installation of electric charging points for bikes and cars 

Trust and ethics are the foundation of our stakeholder relationships


For us, Business Ethics means demonstrating transparency, accountability, fairness, and responsible decision-making to all our stakeholders.

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  1. Abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards in real estate
  2. Align our objectives and projects with the EU Taxonomy
  3. Provide Non-Financial Annual report fully aligned with the CSRD, with clear and comprehensive information about projects, risks, opportunities and impacts
  4. Make business ethics a pillar of sustainability in our activity
  5. Promote sustainable behaviour throughout the sector's value chain, and integrate a responsible purchasing policy into all supplier contracts


Main objectives - Corporate​ level​

  • All employees will have to follow Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption courses by 2025
  • All stakeholders will have signed the Ethics Charter by 2025
  • Provide to all our partners reliable non-financial information through a Sustainability report in 2024


Main objectives - Development​ level​

  • All our projects will be based on the Taxonomy criteria and meet KPIs of our own ESG development ambitions, in 2026
  • Our major service providers and suppliers will have signed the sustainable performance charters in 2025
  • We are aiming for a 5-star rating on the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) in 2026

Discover our frameworks